Demonstrating a steadfast commitment to the well-being of its workforce, the DepEd Sarangani Division has unveiled an innovative program aimed at bolstering the health of its employees.
The division provides its employees with a free annual physical checkup, underlining its dedication to fostering a healthy and thriving work environment.

With a focus on employee welfare, DepEd Sarangani has collaborated with esteemed healthcare providers to ensure that its personnel have access to comprehensive health evaluations.

DepEd Sarangani has partnered with MedZone Diagnostic Center, a trusted healthcare provider, for the seamless execution of this initiative. The center set up a mobile laboratory at the Division Office Lobby on August 8, 2022, where employees conveniently registered, underwent tests, and received their results.

The array of diagnostic tests in the examination spans a broad spectrum, ranging from Complete Blood Count (CBC) to Electrocardiogram (ECG), ensuring a comprehensive evaluation of various health indicators. Pregnant employees are specially catered to with alternative diagnostic measures, such as the SPUTUM Exam, in lieu of the Chest X-ray.

Schools Division Superintendent Ruth L. Estacio, PhD., CESO VI, herself, visited the service provider and personally experienced their service quality.

“As leaders, it is our responsibility to not only advocate for the well-being of our employees but to actively participate in initiatives that promote their health,” Estacio said.

“I believe that when our staff see that we are committed to these measures, they are more likely to embrace and prioritize their own health as well,” she added.

By facilitating regular health checkups, the division aims to empower its workforce to make informed decisions about their well-being and take proactive steps towards better health.

Education Program Specialist II Nathaniel Galopo is thankful that through this round of medical checkup, he has been informed of his health condition.

“After getting my results I can now seek professional medical advice to keep myself healthy and able to perform my duties well,” Galopo said.

This progressive initiative not only elevates the health and morale of DepEd Sarangani’s employees but also reinforces the division’s dedication to excellence in education.

Alongside this initiative, the division has also launched its own version of the “Biggest Loser” competition, where improvement in body mass index and other health metrics are taken into consideration.

As educators and staff members embrace this health-conscious culture, they are better equipped to contribute effectively to the division’s overarching mission of providing quality education while leading healthy lives.

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